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Podman Issues

Unable to see any image or container after downloading Podman Desktop

System Requirements

The tool connects to Podman using the socket on the host on macOS and on a named pipe on Windows. This is available only on Podman 4.0.2+ So, please check your version and update.

On Windows, the named pipe is //./pipe/docker_engine when Docker Desktop is not installed. It will be solved by / During that time, you may start Docker Desktop so the named pipe is the one expected.

Check connection

Check at least a Podman machine is running on Windows & macOS:

podman machine list

And check a connection can be made with the CLI

$ podman run
!... Hello Podman World ...!

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Twitter: @Podman_io

Unable to locate Podman Engine


Despite having Podman Engine installed, you may receive an error as follows - Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/podman or any similar error denoting that Podman Engine does not exist.


The Podman Installer and Homebrew use different locations to store the Podman Engine files in the file system. For example, Podman Installer installs Podman Engine in the path /opt/podman whereas Homebrew uses the path /usr/local for macOS Intel, /opt/homebrew for Apple Silicon and /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew for Linux.


To check where exactly is your Podman Engine installed, run the command-

which podman

This returns the path where the Podman Engine would be installed. This would help determine further action.

For example, if you’re looking to completely uninstall Podman Engine from your system for a fresh installation, running which podman returns the exact path where Podman still exists. This could be the path where Podman Installer stores Podman Engine i.e. /opt/podman. Once you know the path, run:

sudo rm -rf /opt/podman


sudo rm -rf path-where-podman-exists

Here, you would replace path-where-podman-exists with the output of which podman.

You can now proceed for a fresh installation of Podman Desktop

Unable to see information about active containers


In this scenario, the screen may be displaying "No Containers" as shown below despite active containers runnning in the background. img


There are three ways to work this out.

  1. To solve this issue, open the Terminal and run the following commands-
podman machine stop

and then,

podman machine start
  1. If this does not work for you, you may proceed with the following commands-
podman machine rm

and then,

podman machine init
  1. If both of the abovementioned steps don't work for you, run the following commands-
rm -rf ~/.local/share/containers/podman

and then,

rm -rf ~/.config/containers/

After this, you can start off again by initializing a new Podman Machine and loading up the containers.

Unable to set custom binary path for Podman on macOS


When setting a custom binary path (under Preferences -> Custom binary path), Podman is unable to find gvproxy and podman-mac-helper:

Error: unable to start host networking: "could not find \"gvproxy\" in one of [/usr/local/opt/podman/libexec /opt/homebrew/bin /opt/homebrew/opt/podman/libexec /usr/local/bin /usr/local/libexec/podman /usr/local/lib/podman /usr/libexec/podman /usr/lib/podman $BINDIR/../libexec/podman].  To resolve this error, set the helper_binaries_dir key in the `[engine]` section of containers.conf to the directory containing your helper binaries."


  1. Download gvproxy from the gvisor-tap-vsock release page.
  2. Build the podman-mac-helper from the source code on the Podman GitHub page.
  3. Add the helpers_binaries_dir entry to ~/.config/containers/conf:


NOTE: A pre-built binary will be added to the Podman release page so you do not have to build podman-mac-helper. An issue is open for this.

Warning about Docker compatibility mode


When running the Podman provider, a warning shows regarding Docker compatibility mode on the dashboard:

⚠️ Docker Socket Compatibility: Podman is not emulating the default Docker socket path: '/var/run/docker.sock'. Docker-specific tools may not work. See troubleshooting page on for more information.

This may appear when either:

  • The Docker socket is not mounted correctly
  • Docker Desktop is also being ran at the same time


On macOS:

  1. Stop Docker Desktop (if install)
  2. Run the podman-mac-helper binary:
sudo podman-mac-helper install
  1. Restart the Podman machine (the default Docker socket path will be recreated and Podman will emulate it)

On Linux / Windows:

  1. Stop Docker Desktop (if installed)
  2. Restart the Podman machine (the default Docker socket path will be recreated and Podman will emulate it)

Note: If Docker Desktop is started again, it will automatically re-alias the default Docker socket location and the Podman compatibilty warning will re-appear.

Code Ready Containers

  • Check that Podman preset is defined. (crc config get preset)
  • Check that crc binary is available in the user PATH (/usr/local/bin/crc)
  • Check that crc setup --check-only is running without errors.

Other Issues

Fixing corrupted Podman Machine in Windows

If at all you are not able to stop your Podman Machine, you will find such an error in the Logs- Error: Error stopping sysd: exit status 1

It is highly unlikely that you may be stuck in such a situation but if you are, here's a quick fix for it.

Assuming the name of the Podman Machine to be my-machine, run the following commands in the terminal:

wsl --list

This shall display a list of active distributions i.e. my-machine in this case.


wsl --unregister my-machine

(Replacing my-machine with the name that is displayed under wsl --list for your Podman Machine)

This will stop the Podman Machine for you.

Podman machine on Apple Silicon


If you are using an Apple Silicon and brew, you might encounter the following error when starting Podman from Podman Desktop

Error: qemu exited unexpectedly with exit code 1, stderr: qemu-system-x86_64: invalid accelerator hvf
qemu-system-x86_64: falling back to tcg
qemu-system-x86_64: unable to find CPU model 'host'


Podman machine is running as a x86_64 process and it could be due to a dual install of homebrew: one for x86_64 and one for arm64.


You can

  1. Uninstall Podman machine on your x86_64 brew install (for example from a terminal running under rosetta) brew uninstall podman-machine
  2. or uninstall brew x86_64 as most brew receipe have now arm64 support: follow these instructions from a terminal running under rosetta

Then run a terminal in native mode (default) and install Podman machine brew install podman-machine

Finally clean the poddman machine VMs that had been previously created, a create new ones.

podman machine rm podman-machine-default
podman machine init

You should be a happy camper from here.